Ron Kittle Joins Big League Tours at US Cellular Field

Ron Kittle- Ron was best known for his homerun power at the plate. He hit seven rooftop homeruns while playing for the White Sox! From 1982 through 1991, he played for the Chicago White Sox (1982-86, 1989, 1991), New York Yankees (1986-87), Cleveland Indians (1988) and Baltimore Orioles (1990). But, right from the start, his career was anything but easy.

“In 1976 I signed with the L.A. Dodgers at a tryout camp in La Porte, IN at Ken Schreiber Field. I arrived at Vero Beach, Florida for my first spring training and then went on to the Midwest League where in my first official game and first at bat, I hit a double and then scored on a single. After sliding across home plate, a late throw came in and the catcher landed on my neck as I was getting up. I crushed 3 vertebrae and broke my neck…this was the beginning of an injury plagued career.” (Taken from Ron's website,

Ron Kittle at US Cellular Field with Big League Tours guestsAfter recovering from the neck injury and working in the steel mills in Indiana, Ron was able to overcome amazing odds to return to baseball. He ultimately was the American League Rookie of the Year in 1983 and had a very productive 10 year career.

Ron's appearance with Big League Tours coincides with two of our baseball trips, the Midwest Tour 1 and the Chicago/Milwaukee Tour. Take a look at those tours and sign up now to see some great baseball, fun stadiums, and to meet slugger Ron Kittle at US Cellular Field prior to the White Sox game on July 3rd against the Rangers.

About the Big League Player Experiences - Get inside the game like never before when you meet up with Big League ballplayers on each of our baseball road trips. Players like Vida Blue, Bill Lee, Dave Parker and Tom Browning have joined us on our tours. Join us on a Big League Tours and you'll see what our guests tell us is the favorite part of their experience. See more about the Player Experiences.