California Gold June Tour

Tentative Itinerary:
Tue, June 17: Guests arrive in San Francisco, Guardians @ Giants, 6:45PM
Wed, June 18: Free day in San Francisco
Thu, June 19: Astros @ A's **in Sacramento**, 7:05PM
Fri, June 20: Travel to Anaheim, Astros @ Angels, 6:38PM
Sat, June 21: Free day in Anaheim
Sun, June 22: Nationals @ Dodgers, 1:10PM
Mon, June 23: Nationals @ Padres, 6:40PM
Tue, June 24: Guests depart
This tour includes:
- Guaranteed premium seats to five (5) MLB games. Seat locations typically include lower level infield seats or club seats.
- First class hotel accommodations for seven (7) nights (additional hotel nights available). Hotels will be near the ballpark or in the city center.
- Group transportation to/from ballparks and between cities.
Package Pricing Single - $5,745 Double - $4,445 per person Triple - $4,135 per person Quad - $3,980 per person - Free time to explore the Major League cities.
- Big League Tours Host on site.
- Big League Tours gift bag.
- Pre-departure packet with complete tour details and itineraries.
- Behind the scenes ballpark tours as the schedule allows.