Here's an Eternal Baseball Trip

Follow Your Favorite Team... Into the Afterlife?
November 11, 2008 - There are many die hard baseball fans out there, but I have neFamily tours remember loved ones. ver seen anything like this.  Eternal Image makes unique caskets and urns for their customers.  Clint Mytych, CEO and only 27, of Eternal Image is determined to change the funeral industry with an array of new ways to celebrate the person who has passed. 

Whether it is an urn for your favorite pet or you were a huge Phillies fan and you would like to dedicate your urn to the team, with the permission of Major League Baseball fans can now take it to the next level.

The MLB urns are made from aluminum, sits on top of a wooden shaped base and topped with a clear dome and baseball can be displayed.  Then the logo of the persons favorite team is displayed on the side as well as their name. There is soon to be a casket that focuses on your favorite team as well.  The casket will resemble a wooden bat and will be lined in the persons favorite teams colors.

Are you this big of a fan?  Join us on one of our sports vacations and maybe you'll catch that commemorative baseball that can be displayed on your urn.  Or maybe during one of our baseball stadium tours you could get a bat signed by a special player for that wooden bat casket. If your not ready to take your favorite team to the afterlife just enjoy them now with Big League Tours.