Batting Stance Guy Hits a Home Run in My Book

Posted by Big League Tours on Tue, Nov 22, 2011 @ 12:15 PM

March 23, 2009 - Kids every where have imitated the batting stances of their favorite players; from their habits as they enter the batters box, to their stances, to the nuances of their swings, and some of the craziest finishes to their swings. In fact, if you are a fan of baseball, you could likely identify players by those habits.

One guy, Gar Ryness, has taken that to the extreme, becoming known as the Batting Stance Guy. Gar's home grown videos are some of the most hilarious and dead on imitations of big league players. Check out the video of his imitations of Cincinnati Reds players from several eras:

We've read that Gar is going to be traveling to many if not all of the stadiums this summer to entertain the players and fans with his routines. As we learn more information, we'll let you know if we are going to be lucky enough to see him on one or more of our family tours or sports travel packages.

Topics: sports travel and tours, baseball stadiums, Reds, Cincinnati